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Rep. Ozinga Responds to SAFE-T Act Ruling

MOKENA- Following the SAFE-T Act ruling made by the Illinois Supreme Court, State Representative Tim Ozinga (R-Mokena) released the following statement: 

“Today’s ruling in favor of the SAFE-T Act is disappointing, but not surprising. The current polarization of party politics has led to the passage of extreme legislation, such as the SAFE-T Act, that ends up helping no one. While reform is necessary to our current criminal justice system, this is not the way to do it. We cannot put our citizens, families, and communities at risk by implementing a method with no results to show for itself. 

“With out-of-control crime spreading from cities like Chicago into neighboring suburbs, now is not the time to take risks when legislating public safety policies. Instead, we should focus on supporting our law enforcement and protecting our communities.” 

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